ATTENTION: Followers of Jesus who are ready to take authority over the “serpents” in life…
Take Leviathan and python to the courts of heaven!
Close the hidden doors of demonic influence in your life and open the gates to physical health & financial stability
Deliverance from Leviathan and Python
The replay for the webinar with Katie Souza
“Deliverance from Leviathan and Python” 
will be posted here soon
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the full replay for the webinar with Katie Souza
“Deliverance from Leviathan and Python”
(Note: This video includes the Q&A in the latter part)
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the replay for the webinar with Katie Souza:
“Deliverance from Leviathan and Python”
(Note: This video does not include the Q&A)
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the replay for the webinar with Katie Souza:
“Deliverance from Leviathan and Python”
(Note: This video does not include the Q&A)
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
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Katie Souza
Read This Before 
Going ANY Further
From the Desk of Katie Souza
Are you feeling constricted? Are your words being twisted against you?

It’s time to unmask the masters of camouflage and reclaim your life from their insidious grasp.

Two adversaries, Leviathan, the “great twisting serpent in the sea,” and Python, the suffocating spiritual constrictor, may be silently wreaking havoc and causing stress in your life.

Leviathan manipulates facts and words, sows seeds of pride, and employs deceitful tactics to destroy your relationships. Meanwhile, Python methodically drains the life from your ambitions, dreams, and purposes, causing you to feel desperately wrong.
And yet…you can’t identify the source.

Jesus came and destroyed the works of the enemy. Now He’s saying, “I’m giving you authority.” And He didn’t give you just any authority, but the governmental authority to take both Leviathan and Python to the Courts of Heaven.

It is crucial that you take these serpents to court, because:
  • You lose if you struggle against these serpents in your own strength.
  • Sin in your soul is what gave the enemy access to attack you in the first place.
  • The Blood can cleanse your soul and your conscience of dead works.
In this spiritual battlefield, you must rely on the purifying Blood of the Lamb and the fire of praise and worship. “Serpents” are everywhere, intending to cause great harm, and common ground with the enemy must be eliminated to ensure victory and freedom from their legal claims.

If you desire to renew your joy and purpose in life, breathe deeply again, and experience rejuvenation in your relationships, I invite you to join me in…
The Serpent and The Soul
The Serpent and the soul
Taking Python and leviathan to court
10-Lesson Class with Katie Souza
Are you ready to trample the serpent spirits that may be strangling areas of your life and your soul?

Jesus said in Luke 10:19, “Listen carefully: I have given you authority [that you now possess] to tread on serpents and scorpions, and [the ability to exercise authority] over all the power of the enemy (Satan); and nothing will [in any way] harm you.” (Amplified Bible)
  • How would you like to be so in step with the Father that you hear His voice, sense His Presence, and feel His love 24/7?
  • What if you could eliminate striving and simply flow in full assurance of the Father’s adoration and approval?
  • What if you were so infused with God’s love that you “leaked”?
It is crucial for you to expose and deal with any hidden serpent spirits that may have insidiously infiltrated your life. These spirits could be quietly causing damage on multiple levels— emotionally, physically, and even financially.

Spirits like these:
  • Cause illnesses
  • Are anchored in deep-seated offenses, rebellion, bitterness, and witchcraft
  • ​Mimic God’s voice, yet subtly lead you away from His path
  • ​Suffocate your God-given dreams and stifle your life
  • ​Inflict wounds and cause soul-deep trauma
In this impactful class, Katie Souza will guide you through the Scriptures, helping you discern whether you may be grappling with a serpent spirit such as Leviathan and Python in your life. She will arm you with spiritual tools to expose and eradicate these spirits, paving the way to restore your soul and bring healing on many fronts, including physical health and financial stability.

Unlocking the power of the Courts of Heaven, you will learn to overcome trauma, break free from crippling curses, and acquire practical steps to liberate not just yourself, but also your loved ones and those you shepherd in faith.

If you are ready to identify and shut the hidden doors of demonic influence in your life, fortify your spiritual defenses, and open the gates to a more loving, humble life, this life-changing class is an opportunity you won’t want to miss! 
In this class, you will learn to:
  • Unravel Snake Symbolisms: Decode snake representations in scriptures for a deeper connection to your faith.
  • Spot Serpent Spirits: Learn to identify sneaky serpent spirits disrupting your life.
  • Wield Your Authority: Utilize Christ’s granted authority to banish serpent spirits and guard your spiritual peace.
  • Harness Communion’s Power: Understand how communion strengthens your spiritual resilience.
  • Enter Heaven’s Courts: Discover how to challenge the enemy’s right to cause you turmoil, restoring your spiritual tranquility.
  • Overcome Leviathan and Python: Equip yourself to recognize and overcome the threats from Leviathan and the spirit Python.
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Class Lessons
Overview of the “Deliverance from 
Leviathan and Python
10-Lesson Class

Course description by Katie Souza

Lesson 1: What Gives Serpents the Right to Harm Us
In this first lesson, you will dive right into the topic of the serpent and his plan to harm. Luke 10:19 reveals Jesus granting authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, signifying power over and protection from the enemy. You will explore Biblical references to serpents as physical snakes, demonic manifestations, and symbolic representations of evil, and learn what behaviors and events can provide a legal landing strip for serpent attacks in your life. By the power of the Cross, you will understand how to crush the head of the serpent and experience victory!

Preview: Lesson 1

Lesson 2: Trampling Serpents Under Our Feet
The topic of trampling serpents under your feet is the focus of Lesson 2. It begins by preparing you for communion and opening a case in the court of Heaven, followed by repentance for specific sins that give the enemy legal rights to attack you. These include misuse of the tongue, bitterness, pride, cursing, complaining, and more. You will understand how the power of the Blood of the Lamb and the testimony of believers is crucial in overcoming the enemy and be given opportunity to receive God’s grace to apply the refining work of the Holy Spirit.

Preview: Lesson 2

Lesson 3: Shaking off Venomous Vipers through Communion
Building further on Lessons 1 and 2, this session focuses on the power of communion in overcoming attacks of the enemy, highlighting verses that contrast between the increase of sin and the surpassing abundance of God’s grace. The teaching further emphasizes the coming of Jesus, who baptizes with the Holy Spirit and fire, and the refining work He performs in purifying His people. You will learn through demonstration to release the power of judicial decisions against serpents, scorpions, and witchcraft spirits. The curse cannot prevail since Jesus has already taken it upon Himself!

Preview: Lesson 3

Lesson 4: Quenching the Fiery Serpents
This lesson begins with the Israelites in the desert and the parallel between their consumption of manna and the church partaking of Christ’s body in Communion today, referencing 1 Corinthians 10 and John 6 to affirm that Jesus is the living bread sent from Heaven. Recalling the Israelites’ speaking against God and the consequence of fiery serpents being sent among them, you will delve into the importance of repentance and gazing upon Jesus lifted on the cross, just as the Israelites were instructed to look upon the raised bronze serpent to receive healing. During the concluding activation, you will be invited to restore your soul through communion.

Preview: Lesson 4

Lesson 5: Leviathan, the King of the Children of Pride
In this session you will unwrap the Biblical concept of Leviathan, the king of the children of pride. Depicted as a dragon, crocodile, and serpent, it is often associated with twisting words and causing strife through communication issues. Lesson 5 emphasizes the need to address these issues which grant Leviathan the ability to afflict you, and will also explore the solution, which is the burning up of this internal foe through the Holy Spirit’s fire of purification. You will also investigate the issue of pride and its symptoms — seeking attention, always wanting to be right, mocking others, being critical, to name a few — all of which contribute to demonic access into your life. Healing and hope are offered as you learn how to combat and eliminate these hindering habits.
Lesson 6: Crushing Leviathan & Witchcraft in the Courts of Heaven
Crushing Leviathan and addressing witchcraft curses is the thrust of Lesson 6, drawing from the story of Job, who experienced profound trauma and bitterness that led him to invoke curses upon himself and call upon Leviathan to execute them. You will hear personal testimonies that inspire repentance from bitterness, renouncing witchcraft, and embracing the healing power of Jesus through utilizing the Courts of Heaven, so that you can overcome trauma, break free from the curses that have been enforced upon you, and learn practical steps that will equip you to help loved ones and those you minister to do the same.
Lesson 7: Taking Python to the Courts of Heaven
This lesson homes in on the spirit referred to as “Python,” which is compared to a physical snake that constricts and suffocates its prey. You will hear testimony stating that Python represents a spiritual force that causes feelings of exhaustion, hopelessness, and a desire to quit. As you study the account of the slave girl in Acts 16 who was possessed by this spirit, you will see that it operates by speaking words that sound accurate and godly, but its intentions are to lead you away from God’s path and suffocate your life. You will be guided through steps to overcome Python’s influence by subjecting it to the Courts of Heaven through prayer and spiritual warfare.
Lesson 8: Python is Squeezing out Your Money
In this lesson, you will embark on a life-changing journey towards unlocking the hidden potential within repentance and intercession for your financial well-being. Through insightful teachings, Katie Souza will show you the profound impact of the Blood of Jesus and the sacred act of communion in cleansing your financial past and breaking free from the grip of the python spirit. With prophetic prayers, you will participate in releasing forgiveness and interceding for the financial sins of those connected to your finances, opening doors for divine favor and transformation. Gain the wisdom to discern the voice of Jesus and align your financial decisions with His leading. This transformative lesson will equip you with practical tools to enhance your financial stewardship, renew your mindset, and experience the abundance God intends for you in your financial journey.
Lesson 9: Healing and Deliverance Session
In this session on healing and deliverance, you will examine various aspects related to spiritual and physical healing. Beginning with instructions on repentance—addressing issues such as bitterness, rebellion, witchcraft, and idols—you will dive into soul healing and the importance of bringing idols, witches, serpents, and Leviathan to the Courts of Heaven. You will learn very specific connections between certain illnesses and a corresponding spiritual condition or status, reinforced by firsthand video testimonies and accounts showcasing the power of repentance and spiritual activation in overcoming these conditions. All of this combined with Biblical examples like John the Baptist and the Apostle Paul confronting religious spirits and experiencing healing, will lay a foundation for finding wholeness.
Lesson 10: Commissioned to be a Snake Hunter
This final lesson focuses on recognizing the influence of the serpent’s lies and the need to be freed from its grip in order to fulfill your commission from God. Discerning twisted statements, religious spirits, and prideful attitudes resulting from believing its deception is key in your spiritual journey and walking in Kingdom destiny. As you study the examples of Paul and Moses and their encounters with serpent spirits, you will discover that you need to be healed and delivered from any serpentine influence before you can effectively carry out your commission from God. You will encounter God’s fire, which burns away the chaff in your soul, exposes and destroys the serpent, and brings healing to your body, making you an instrument of healing and deliverance to others!
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How this class Works
Katie Souza has pre-recorded the 10 lessons in this class, so you may watch the videos and complete the assignments at your convenience.

Each lesson ranges between 30-75 minutes long, with a time of teaching and practical application.
The 10 main lessons:
  • ​Lesson 1: What Gives Serpents the Right to Harm Us
  • ​Lesson 2: Trampling Serpents Under Our Feet
  • ​Lesson 3: Shaking off Venomous Vipers through Communion
  • ​Lesson 4: Quenching the Fiery Serpents
  • ​Lesson 5: Leviathan, the King of the Children of Pride
  • ​Lesson 6: Crushing Leviathan & Witchcraft in the Courts of Heaven
  • ​Lesson 7: Taking Python to the Courts of Heaven
  • ​Lesson 8: Python is Squeezing out Your Money
  • ​Lesson 9: Healing and Deliverance Session
  • ​Lesson 10: Commissioned to be a Snake Hunter
Each lesson includes:
  • An in-depth video teaching
  • ​An MP3 audio recording
  • ​A study guide
  • ​A transcript
The Serpent and The Soul
3 LIVE Interactive Q&A sessions with small group breakouts:
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 1–3 (Tues, July 11 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern)
    • ​LIVE Q&A for Lessons 4–6 (Tues, July 25 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 7–10 (Tues, Aug 8 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern)
    As you work through the video lessons, you will likely think of questions for Katie Souza. These 3 LIVE sessions provide a great space for you process with others in the class and hear Katie answer member questions.

    It’s okay if you are unable to join a LIVE session, because we will post the replays in the class member area.

    As a member, you will have LIFETIME access to video and audio replays, transcripts, study guides, and relevant bonus resources to reinforce and supplement what you are learning in each session.

    You can easily participate in this training from the comfort of your own home, your office, or wherever you happen to be in the world! All you need is a phone, tablet, or computer with a reasonably fast internet connection.
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    You’ll also receive the following
    50% Cash Savings
    The normal retail price for this 10-Lesson Class with LIVE Q&As and all associated resources is $800. However, you receive a $400 savings, making your price only $400.
    Cash Savings
    63% Cash Savings
    (Must sign up by july 1)
    The normal retail price for this 10-Lesson Class with LIVE Q&As and all associated resources is $800. However, you receive a $500 savings, making your price only $300.
    Cash Savings
    bonus class
    BONUS 2:
    Legion Slayer: Healing the Ancient Tombs
    24 mini lessons & 11 Soaker sessions with Katie Souza 
    (Must sign up by June 27)
    Do you have trouble recovering from the raging storms in your life?

    Based on the story in Mark 5 of Jesus’ encounter with the demoniac who was possessed by the demon, Legion, you will delve into uncovering secrets and precepts hidden within the narrative that can lead to your own deliverance and healing.

    Through teaching and soaker sessions, you will learn the connection between this demonic spirit and unusual diseases, such as lupus and chronic infection, and discover that defeating Legion in your own life can empower you for miracles, signs, and wonders to spread the message of Jesus in your community and to the world.
    BONUS 3:
    Deliverance from Leviathan, Serpents, Witchcraft, & Idolatry
    2-Lesson class with Katie Souza 
    (Must sign up by June 24)
    It’s time to burn away the chaff that attracts the demonic!

    This 2-lesson class is filled with teaching on how believers can use their God-given authority against every type of demonic attack, such as:
    • Appealing to the Courts of Heaven
    • Applying the powerful Blood of Jesus
    • ​Soaking through worship in the purifying fire of the Holy Spirit
    You will be guided through several points of activation to bring deliverance and purification to your own life, so that you may walk in the fullness of freedom and anointing and fulfill your Kingdom assignment!

    bonus book
    bonus teaching
    BONUS 4:
    The Serpent and Soul Fire Soak
    7 Soaker Sessions with Katie Souza
    (Must sign up by June 21)
    These 7 soaker sessions are filled with the most potent fire scriptures, snake-trampling decrees, and the fiery presence of God. Each scripture is paired with decrees to burn away the flesh that gives access to any serpent spirits attacking you. 

    As you pray along in agreement, or even soak while sleeping, this process can facilitate your soul’s healing by driving them out into the open to be dealt with and banished using a prophetic act through which you will be guided. Special music to help you focus on entering God’s presence has been created to accompany these powerful scriptures. 
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    Awesome Testimonies
    This class will bring healing breakthrough to your soul!
    I now have better understanding of the leviathan and python spirits, their relation to witchcraft, and how to use our authority in Christ through scripture passages. — C.M.

    I learned that the proper behavior when dealing with the spirit of leviathan and python is to go the Courts of Heaven, not to rebuke it.  — S.S.

    Every part of this material was meaningful and beneficial to becoming a free in Christ. Hallelujah! — C.R.

    This class is so informative, Katie has scripture to back up everything she says. It’s such an excellent, relevant and revelatory training. Thank you!!!— M.B.
    One of the most important lessons I learned is how bitterness, offense, and pride can literally destroy peoples lives and infect those that are connected to them. — F.L. 

    I learned that the failure to examine our minds and hearts, and repent of sin allows the spirits of leviathan and python into our souls.  — L.W.

    Everything Katie taught was so good and very new to me. We need these kind of teachings in the body of Christ so much. — A.B.

    The most powerful part of Katie's teaching is the consistent reference back to the scriptures that support the realities of what she's sharing! — G.Y.
    Summary OF wHAT yOU gET
    summary of what you get
    10-lesson training ($500 value)
    • Lesson 1: What Gives Serpents the Right to Harm Us
    • ​Lesson 2: Trampling Serpents Under Our Feet
    • ​Lesson 3: Shaking off Venomous Vipers through Communion
    • Lesson 4: Quenching the Fiery Serpents
    • Lesson 5: Leviathan, the King of the Children of Pride
    • Lesson 6: Crushing Leviathan & Witchcraft in the Courts of Heaven
    • Lesson 7: Taking Python to the Courts of Heaven
    • Lesson 8: Python is Squeezing out Your Money
    • ​Lesson 9: Healing and Deliverance Session
    • ​Lesson 10: Commissioned to be a Snake Hunter
    3 LIVE interactive Q&A sessions ($300 value)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 1–3 (Tues, July 11 at 1 p.m. Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 4–6 (Tues, July 25 at 1 p.m. Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 7–10 (Tues, Aug 8 at 1 p.m. Eastern)
    • 50% savings: $400 instead of $800
    • 63% savings: $300 instead of $800 (sign up by July 1)
    • Legion Slayer: Healing the Ancient Tombs – 24 Mini Lessons & 11 Soaker Sessions with Katie Souza (sign up by June 27)
    • Deliverance from Leviathan, Serpents, Witchcraft, & Idolatry – 2-Lesson Class with Katie Souza (sign up by June 24)
    • The Serpent and Soul Fire Soak — 7 Soaker Sessions with Katie Souza (sign up by June 21)
    Additional benefits
    • LIFETIME class access
    • ​Video replays
    • ​MP3 audio
    • ​Transcripts
    • ​Study guides
    The Empower 2000 Guarantee
    This life-transforming class will empower you to conquer the “serpents” in life!

    If you are not delighted with the training and the results you experience, simply email us within 30 days of when the class starts and we will either reconcile the problem or gladly refund all your money.

    You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Guaranteed!
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    The Serpent and The Soul
    The Serpent and The soul
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    renew my purpose!
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    Blessings to conquer the “serpents” in your life!
    Katie Souza
    Katie Souza Ministries
    Katie Souza
    Katie Souza is a dynamic and prolific international teacher, minister, author, and television host. She is known for her biblical insight on soul-healing, a revelation that explains why so many believers can appear to do everything they have learned in church, yet still not see breakthrough in their lives. Katie’s life is an example of the life changing power of soul-healing. 

    In her earlier years she was a career criminal, convicted of a number of felonies, and sent to federal prison to serve almost twelve years. In prison, Katie encountered God in a way that dramatically changed her life. She immediately became an outspoken advocate for Jesus and began to write her first book, The Captivity Series: The Key to Your Expected End. Her infectious love for Jesus caused many women inside her cell block to accept Him as their Savior. 

    Through the process of soul-healing, thousands of miracles have manifested in her meetings and in the prisons. Katie lives in Arizona with her husband, Robert, and their two small dogs.
    The Serpent and The Soul
    Copyright 2023 Empower 2000. All rights reserved.